About Tesla

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Week 1.3

Welcome back to THE Tesla blog.

Who drives a Tesla?!
A tesla is quite a special car. So who is driving a tesla. Most of the Tesla driver are successful business people who are. tech and green friendly orientated. The majority of the consumers are the us baby boomer so  +50 People. Yes like most of the time Tesla is mostly bought by males.
A Tesla model S big enough to ride with your family or friends so most of the Tesla drivers are:
-              Middle-aged married (with or without children)
-              Older married
-              Older not married

1.    What goes to their mind when they buy a Tesla.
As it is almost a 100.000-dollar car it is abuse that it is a well proposed purchase. The biggest factors of the consumers are:
-      Emission free driving
-      Brand image
-      Mileage range
-      Style
-      Price
-      Performance.

The attidude scale of Tesla
Develop an attitude scale with which you will be able to measure consumers’ attitudes towards your product.

Attribute      Importance   Brand Evaluation    Importance x Br Eval
                                                               A    B    C                    A    B    C    
Comfort                              4*             1** 5     4                  4   20   16    
Looks                                  4               3    4     4                  12  16   16    
Price                                    3               1    3     5                   3      9   15 
Co2 emission                      4               3    4     4                  12   16   16    
Driving experience             4               5    4     3                  20  16  12  
     Weighted Sum                                                                  51  77  75  
     *1=Unimportant…5=Very Important
    **1=Unsatisfactory…5=Very Satisfactory

A= Tesla Roadster
B= Tesla Model S
C= Tesla model X


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